10th Feb 2023

Promote Your Tax Business with Eye-Catching Outdoor Signs and Displays

Tax season is upon us and that means more business for those offering help to file taxes and get tax refunds. As a tax-related business, promoting your tax business is crucial in attracting new clients and retaining existing ones. One effective way to do this is by utilizing outdoor displays, such as yard signs, feather flags, A-frame signs, and vinyl banners. These eye-catching displays can help increase visibility and brand awareness for your tax business. 

Yard signs are going to be the cheapest and probably the most effective way to advertise your tax services in high traffic locations. Place them at intersections or near busy roadways, to reach the largest audience possible. Many times you'll have customers take a quick pic of your sign so they can make sure to give you a call and setup an appointment later when they get home. Our team can help you customize a yard sign with your business logo, contact information, and a brief message promoting your tax services. 

Your next high impact opportunity product is a 
Feather flag. They're another excellent option for promoting your tax business outdoors. These flags are highly visible and come in stand 14ft tall, making them ideal for use at events, trade shows, and other outdoor areas where you can promote your services. You can also purchase hardware to place feather flags on tents and vehicles if you're trying to get more height to your flag. Either way, this product is going to grab your customers attention with how much is flaps in the wind and advertises your services. Right now is when they need it. Place it just outside the parking lot of your business and lets see the customers start pulling in!

A-frame signs are a versatile and portable option for promoting your tax business. Not everyone needs these based on the location of your tax refund office, but they can be placed on sidewalks, in front of your storefront entrance, or at an event that you may be hosting outdoors. A-frame signs are double-sided, allowing you to display information on both sides all for just $229 for the stand with prints. A frames do allow for more information than a yard sign. You can provide a little more information about your services, offer promotions, or share testimonials from satisfied clients with pictures.  Again, our design team is here to help you free of charge. Let them get started on a custom sidewalk sign for you today. Let's make sure customers know where you're located.

Last but definitely not least are our outdoor v
inyl banners. These banners are durable, come with webbing in the hems to hold up outdoors, and are a cost-effective way to promote your tax business. Easily store them year after year to promote the tax refund services you are offering. If you're in a hurry, vinyl banners are our fastest product to ship and are priced pretty inexpensive. They can be hung from building fronts, poles, or fences to increase visibility with the grommets we place on them every 2 feet. You may need to upgrade to a mesh banner if you're in a really windy location, but most of the time a vinyl banner will do just what you need. They come in a variety of sizes, making them suitable for use at events, trade shows, or to hang in front of your business. As always, we can customize them with your business logo, contact information, and a catchy message to promote your tax services. 

So now that we've given you some information on what we think is going to bring in the traffic, are you ready to get started on the design? Our design team is here to help your business grow. Let us do the customizing while you're handling filing the taxes! When you're ready, reach out and let us get started on your next advertising campaign.